What is the basic category of Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior?
Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior is basically Wood Finishes paint.
Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior is basically Wood Finishes paint.
The coverage of Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior paint is 8-10 sq. mtr/ltr/coat, depending on the film thickness, method of application, and nature of the surface.
The drying time of Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior is: Touch dry: It takes 20-35 min depending on weather conditions. Tack-free: It takes 2 hours. Sanding dry: It takes 7-8 hours. Hard dry: It takes overnight.
Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior is applied using a spray gun.
The benefits of Nerolac Wonderwood 2K PU Interior are: It provides Stain Resistance to the interior wooden furniture. It provides Scratch Resistance to the interior wooden furniture. It provides excellent durability. It protects interior wooden furniture from being yellow.
Nerolac Pearls Lustre Finish Interior Emulsion provides a Silky Sheen Finish to the interior walls.
Nerolac Pearls Lustre Finish Interior Emulsion provides a High Level of Washability.
The drying time of Nerolac Pearls Lustre Finish Interior Emulsion is: Surface dry: It takes 25-35 min depending on weather conditions. Hard dry: It takes a minimum of 4-6 hours.
The coverage of Nerolac Pearls Lustre Finish Interior Emulsion is 13.00-14.86 sq. mtr/ltr/coats, on smooth non-absorbent surfaces.
The benefits of Nerolac Pearls Lustre Finish Interior Emulsion are: It provides Excellent Stain Resistance. It provides Excellent Fungal and Bacteria Resistance. It contains low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and has no odour, makes it safe for human. It provides a High Level of Washability. It protects the walls from being yellow.