Client communication makes sense in residential painting for house painters?

Regardless of the industry, communication is key to becoming successful in painting services and customer service will be what sets your business apart from its competitors. Putting care into the management of your customers is just as important as executing a job perfectly and should be considered an integral part of your overall strategy. [...]

Change the room size with colours

WWhat if just by painting rooms, you could visually manipulate their shape and dimension? Colours play a decisive role in interior painting. Intrusive and powerful colours optically narrow the room, by contrast quiet and unassuming colours give sense of spaciousness.Cool colours (blue, white and some shades of green, purple ) are unobtrusive, so that for [...]

How frequently should you repaint your interior walls ?

How frequently should we repaint the interior of a house? The answer to this question depends on many factors, and many times, these factors are décor based. If the colours look dated, or if you are a new resident and the colours are not your favourite, the home will get [...]

Is it safe to paint house during monsoon in Bangalore ?

Monsoon is here and raindrops have been pouring in Bangalore for quite some time now. During the season of sudden downpours not only do you need to carry an umbrella at all times but you also need to take good care of your health. Wait, did you forget something? How about painting your walls during [...]