What kind of finish does Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion provide?
The Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion provides a Smooth and Soft Sheen finish.
The Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion provides a Smooth and Soft Sheen finish.
The drying time for Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion is: Surface dry: It takes 25-35 min, depending on weather conditions. Recoat dry: It takes 4-6 hours, depending on weather conditions.
The dilution ratio of Apex Weatherproof Emulsion is 40 -50% of the volume of the paint. For example, in one litre of Apex Weatherproof Emulsion, you need to dilute 400 -500 ml. of water.
The coverage of Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion is 70 - 80 sq. ft/ltr for 2 coats. (Actual coverage depends on surface conditions, surface preparation, surface porosity, application method, and application skill.)
More than 1700 color shades are available in Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion.
The Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion is basically a Smooth Water-based and Modified Acrylic Exterior Emulsion.
The benefits of Asian Paints Apex Weatherproof Emulsion are: It is specially designed to endure heavy rainfall, moisture, and heat conditions. It offers excellent protection against alkali and UV degradation, ensuring that the shade does not fade long and that the paint lasts longer. It offers good resistance to algal and fungal growth on the [...]
Apex Weatherproof Emulsion provides a dilution of 40-50 percent of the paint volume. For example, you must dilute 400-500 ml of water in a litre of Apex Weatherproof Emulsion.